Crowning Fantasy Book 1 Read online

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  She plopped down on the side of the cot, her tiny feet dangling in the air. "Look at us. Our devotion to Deyes nan Magic mutated our bodies, corrupted our souls and drove us from our land. Yet our Prets nan Magic insist on continuing their experiments. The Mikachiari priestesses found out. It's why they started mutilating their own, rendering them barren. Prets nan Magic are looking for a way to restore our bodies to how they once were. They may restore our bodies but I'm afraid our souls are already lost. The Prezidan has made bargains with the Manskliga and Elyun. Traded foul magic for Mikachiari. Teke has played right into their hands."

  "How? Tell us what you know."

  "The Manskliga have already turned over all whole Mikachiari to the Asistan Ti for a weapon and some of the skill at manipulating bodies. The Manskliga are not the same as during the Varlid War."

  "Changed how? They look the same."

  "I don't know. The Elyun hold the rest of the Mikachiari but the negotiations with them are more complex."

  "Why doesn't the Prezidan imprison the Black hats for leaving the Prets nan Magic? You could start another Varlid War with what you know."

  "No one is stronger than the Prezidan. He will call us all back when he's ready. We will not be able to resist. Our freedom is an illusion. The Black hat revolt is an illusion."

  "Why can't you resist? This makes no sense, you travel about Varlid now, what could he do to call you back?"

  "It's part of the Deyes non Magic, it's why no one but Asistan Ti can use Magic."

  Mavi motioned toward Gumus Ay. "What will happen to him?"

  Kirmizi said, "If Gumus considered the Cinsel Iliski a true bonding with Mina, he will never rise again."

  Country: Varlid, Nation: Dohla, City: Rasima

  Be satisfied in your ignorance for there is no safety in knowledge. - Eylun Scholar

  Lurazat Esarotarahis shifted through the charts, graphs and notes flung across a massive desk. The Esarotarahis family controlled the largest share of wealth along with a dozen or so Elyun families in Dohla. As the youngest son of the family he had the unenviable position of keeping track of the family fortune.

  It was good to be rich in Dohla. The fell-funded Sudawas controlled not only the general population but also the two relatively peaceful races seeking sanctuary in Rasima, the Kertenkele and Mikachiari. At this point the Elyun were running out of places to spend their money. The pressure on Lurazat was to find other areas of business in Varlid even if they were not entirely legitimate.

  One of those not entirely legitimate areas of business was trafficking.

  The majority of Mikachiari and Kertenkele lived in Rasima. The majority of adolescent Mikachiari in all of Varlid lived in Rasima. The Asistan Ti were keen to get their hands on one. Lurazat squeezed the bridge of his nose. The Priestess Tado had taken the vow of making every Mikachiari barren very seriously and there were only a dozen or so left that could reach maturity. After that the Mikachiari for all intents and purposes would be a dead race, just like the Kertenkele.

  Sayid and Ashiha Esarotarahis, his father and mother, had informed him earlier this evening that his favorite Mikachiari, Mina, and one of the Kertenkele, Gumus Ay, were gone.

  "Are they together?" asked Lurazat

  "It is assumed so since they were both found in the Kertenkele's cell earlier in the week. It is unclear how long they had been planning an escape."

  "Well, send the Sudawas after them, she's worth a fortune! A Kertenkele would be hard pressed to hide."

  Sayid and Ashiha exchanged a look. Ashiha explained, "I needed some leverage over Tado. There were rumors she tried to kill Mina and I didn't want a full-blown conflict among the Mikachiari in my courtyard."

  "Kill her? Like there are so many of them left they could afford it. Ridiculous," Lurazat exclaimed.

  Sayid Esarotarhis asked Ashiha Esarotarahis to leave them. After Ashiha closed the door to Lurazat's office Sayid said, "You know how complicated this trade is with the Asistan Ti. The Emperor Rehis Abja has asked that we not try too hard to intercept them."

  "If the Asistan Ti catch her outside of Dohla then our hands are clean but the trade is still complete and Ashiha gets to keep her courtyard peaceful."

  Sayid smiled. "My son is wise beyond his years. Onyx Ay has told the Kertenkele that Gumus Ay is dead, killed by his own hand to avert the Ofkelenmek."

  "And they are satisfied?"


  Lurazat was disappointed. He had hoped since Ashiha controlled the courtyard where Mina lived that she would eventually be his personal servant. He had spent nights dreaming about her long flowing lavender and silver hair. Since the Mikachiari was reaching maturity her body hinted at a future full, yet petite, figure. Lips tinted with just a blush of pink. Eyes a shining, golden brown and a small nose with a splash of light brown freckles. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together thinking about how soft the brown fur covered pointed ears and tail would feel to the touch. Their skin was covered in downy fur but the ears and tail were thicker. He sighed. Well, it was not to be.

  His father set down his drink harder than necessary on his desk. "How is your work?" Sayid asked.

  Lurazat blinked thoughts of Mina away. "Fine, it's just some numbers are not matching up and it's giving me a headache."

  Sayid brought his son a glass of expensive liquor made from a cactus in Dohla. "Don't work too hard. Nothing here is worth straining yourself over. Emperor Rehis Abja protects Elyun business affairs especially those of the Esarotarahis."

  Lurazat let the smooth liquor work it's magic. "Yes, Sayid."

  After his father left Lurazat made an attempt to straighten up his desk. Numbers still danced before his eyes. "Loana," Lurazat cursed to himself. With Mina gone he turned immediately to another pleasurable diversion that had recently caught his attention, a Manskliga secretary to a minor dignitary just arrived from Rike. Kunskap Forskare, a scholar in Fond, had said a student of his earned the appointment to Dohla and Lurazat could trust her.

  He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair to better remember this secretary's features. Classic Manskliga characteristics, long limbs, shapely torso and sharp features as if they'd been chiseled from the same rock used in building their capital, Fond. In particular the secretary's hair fascinated Lurazat. Manskliga hair was smooth like cascading water. Hers was so black it had blue highlights. No matter how the wind blew or the physical exertion, the hair never tangled or looked mussed. Lurazat closed his eyes and behind his eyelids thought of running his fingers endlessly through her hair.

  Lurazat had made it known to Ashiha Esarotarahis that he expected the Manskliga secretary to be invited to the next family dinner along with the minor dignitary. Ashiha had barely disguised the disgust at her son's indiscretion.

  Manskliga were the exact opposite of Elyun. Elyun were much shorter and although the women were lush in frame and features, Lurazat obsessed over long limbs and flowing hair much as he had the petite Mikachiari.

  He opened his eyes to the pile of reports on the desk. The projections weren't making sense. He set his glass down and left for dinner and a new adventure.


  Around the large dining hall, Lurazat sat surrounded by his family. Sayid and Ashiha had six children, three males, three females. Lurazat was the youngest of them all. A Mikachiari called from the entrance to the room, "Please welcome Radgivare Ledare and his secretary Kvinna Speja."

  Lurazat rose and greeted Radgivare with a firm handshake. To Kvinna he gave a slight bow and touched the top of her hand to his forehead. Lurazat heard his mother's tiny gasp at the gesture. His ears would burn from her scolding later. The Manskliga towered over Lurazat as he led them to their seats at the table. Kvinna was seated next to him and Radgivare on the other side.

  More guests were announced and escorted to the dining table by the family members who shared common hobbies or business. Plates of food arrived so large they had to be carried by two or even three Mikachiari. The pitchers of drink where
also maneuvered around the table by at least two Mikachiari. When everyone was seated and the table ready, Sayid stood and blew a small horn set in front of his plate. "Welcome everyone to the Esarotarahis home. I hope our hospitality suits your needs. If you want for anything ask the Mikachiari as they pass. Beseha Gala, eat, drink and enjoy!"

  Radgivare and Lurazat immediately leaned in and conversed at length about current trade and finances. Elyun banks controlled most of the wealth in Varlid. Although Rike had natural resources of wood, water, and farm land, Dohla held the richer resources of minerals, precious metals and stones. Elyun introduced money made from those precious metals and over the years that power had concentrated in the hands of the top Elyun families.

  "I have recently been studying Kunskap Forskare. I believe he is a famous scholar of yours?" Lurazat asked.

  "Ahhh yes, Kvinna knows more about him than I do."

  "Forgive me, Kvinna. I have neglected you," Lurazat addressed Kvinna for the first time that night.

  Kvinna greeted him with a smile. "We heard from our predecessors you were very passionate about expanding Elyun business in Varlid. You wanted to know about Kunskap?"

  "Yes, but first, how's the food? The drink? Are you comfortable?"

  Kvinna nodded. "Your family has seen to it we are surrounded by luxury. Is this common among all Elyun in Rasima? We had to pass through a large area of Elyun where the conditions did not look at all like this."

  "I'm sorry you had to see that. We are building a different route through the city to avoid that unpleasantness."

  "I'm surprised in a country so rich there are those in want."

  "We have not figured out the answer either I'm afraid. Do you have an interest in social issues?"

  "Not overly much. This is my first trip abroad."

  "Wonderful, feel free to call on me anytime you're interested in sight-seeing."

  "I'm glad you brought that up, Lurazat." Radgivare interrupted. "I do have some tasks I'd like Kvinna to inspect personally. Would you be willing?"

  "I'd be delighted."

  "I'll have Kvinna contact your secretary then."

  "No need. Kvinna can call on me personally whenever you're ready."

  "How gracious of you Lurazat. I can tell our stay will be most pleasant in your capable hands."

  The Sayid blew his horn at the head of the table again bringing the conversations around the table to a halt. "Guests, please retire to the courtyard at your leisure for refreshments and entertainment."

  Radgivare begged off saying he had an early meeting with his superiors early tomorrow morning but Kvinna was free to stay as long as she liked.


  Several days later Kvinna called on Lurazat carrying the latest writings of Kunskap in her bag. They toured the mines, the different quarters of Rasima, and short trips into the countryside of Zeroob sahaerat.

  "Can we explore the Waha?"

  "I'm afraid that would require a complete retinue of Sudawas and Kertenkele. We have not tamed all the parts of Dohla. The Waha is one of the most wild. Most of Zeroob sahaerat is accessible and the parts around the mines in Shimel Sahaerat."

  "But you do go there?"

  "Most definitely since we have not fully charted all the resources available in that area."

  "And the Padda, Vartalf?"

  "Only nuisances, really. Everything will come under our control in time as in Rike and Patri Peyi. We hope to make the Vartalf amiable trade partners and the Padda have been mostly pushed back to the Slat Galen."

  Kvinna smirked. "The Vartalf as trade partners? I'm afraid the Manskliga have some experience with them and you will be hard pressed to ever trust them."

  Lurazat smiled. "I look forward to hearing all your opinions during your stay here in Dohla."

  Over the weeks that followed Lurazat found himself in deep and pleasurable discussions with Kvinna on a wide range of topics. Lurazat finally broached the subject that had been puzzling him for months.

  "These numbers are frustrating. You mentioned the areas of town you passed through when you arrived. We've invested in education and training and you would think with a willing workforce to do the manual labor... ."


  "And Mikachiari. I mean there are wealthy families. I'm from one of them but the rest. I don't understand if it's a lack of ingenuity, willingness to take risks, effort in applying oneself to a trade but the results have been disheartening to say the least."

  "How so?"

  "Looking into the history, the Varlid War saw a leveling of the playing field so to speak. I'm glad we have formal relations now and we're no longer enemies. At least, I hope you don't see me as one," Lurazat teased.

  "Of course not. I think after so many years we've come to realize the good that came out of the war and acceptance of Elyun and Asistan Ti among us."

  "We did introduce an economic system and established a monetary system. It was supposed to and did for a while create a vibrant exchange of business."

  "But not now?"

  "That's why I've been reading Kunskap's papers. Competition was supposed to help regulate business and keep things moving forward and upward. I don't know about Rike but Dohla's growth has slowed. This has produced the most absurd traditions. Competition to marry into wealthy families has become entertainment for the masses. They've got it into their head that's the only way to wealth, through marriage, alliances. It's an archaic system I had hoped we'd put behind us."

  "You're single?"

  "Yes, and you should see the pressures my Ashiha brings to the dinner table almost nightly to remind me. But something is missing from Kunskap's explanations. I'm keen to make a trip to Rike to talk to Kunskap directly. Would you be interested in chaperoning me?"

  "Of course." With that Kvinna leaned down and kissed Lurazat. After their lips parted Kvinna said, "I would like nothing better than a cross-country trip with you all to myself."

  A fierce red crept up Lurazat's neck. "I... have admired you all this while but I never thought... ."

  Kvinna kissed him again then said, "Sometimes Lurazat, you think too much."

  They talked about the possibility of a trip to Rike and despite Ashiha's sour face whenever Kvinna arrived at the Esarotarahis home, Lurazat enjoyed her company more and more. He took her into his office and poured over his own work and the history of Varlid business and finance he had been working on for several years. He was impressed that Kvinna's interest in the matters seemed genuine.

  The privacy of Lurazat's office also allowed him to indulge in his Manskliga hair fetish. Kvinna would sit on the floor at one end of the lounging couch and let her hair cover the seats behind her. Lurazat would strip and lie down on the seats rolling around in blissful oblivion. He exclaimed on several occasions how it was like bathing in warm water without getting wet.

  Meanwhile Kvinna poured over his documents and helped him organize his desk and files. After months of working together Lurazat walked into his office and found Kvinna stuffing a leather document pouch with papers.

  "Kvinna what a pleasant surprise. Where you borrowing some of my research?"

  Kvinna dropped the pouch on top of his desk and crossed in front of it to sit down on the lounging couch. She patted the spot next to her and offered her hair to be stroked.

  Lurazat crossed the room in a rush to sit down next to her. They hadn't planned to meet until tomorrow. "I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have some genuinely interested in these matters," he said, reaching for her hair.

  While Lurazat stroked her hair, Kvinna said, "My family had a pet once. My siblings and I were in charge of feeding and watering it. It always fell on me though. I'm the one who noticed when there was no food. I'm the one who noticed when there was no water. I'm the one who noticed when it needed to go outside. I wanted to teach my siblings a lesson so I stopped feeding and watering the pet. I stopped taking it outside. I waited for them to notice. And do you know what?"

  Lurazat murmured absently.<
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  "No one ever did," Kvinna continued. "So when the pet was tied up outside as punishment for relieving himself in the house, it died. My guess is it had not drunk water in so long, it died quickly in the heat."

  Lurazat paused stroking her hair. "Kvinna I'm so sorry. We can't always predict the outcome of our decisions even when they're made with good intentions."

  "True, I didn't plan it but it did teach me a valuable lesson." Kvinna pulled away and wrapped her hand around Lurazat's face and squeezed until his jaw cracked. "I'm the responsible one. I'm the one who sees what needs to be fixed and I'm the one who will do whatever is necessary. Even let a filthy Elyun touch me."

  Lurazat's face turned red as he tried to yell and breathe at the same time. He kicked at Kvinna. She casually threw one of her long legs over his, pinning him to the couch.

  "You know what I see Lurazat? A scourge upon the face of Varlid called Elyun. The Varlid War may have brought the outward signs of peace, it may have introduced economics and money but who has benefited? The Elyun. This has not gone unnoticed by those Manskliga who have plotted and waited for the opportunity to make things right."

  Lurazat raked his fingernails across Kvinna's hand.

  "Take this to the grave with you Lurazat." Kvinna brandished a long thin needle in her free hand. "The Dold of Manskliga have a new weapon and we will use it to wipe out anything that stands in our way. The Varlid War begins again and this time our victory is assured."

  Lurazat's eyes widened as it followed the needle until it passed from view behind him. He felt a small burning pain at the base of his skull, and then, he felt nothing.

  Country: Varlid, Nation: Rike, City: Fond

  To spend all your energy either embracing Goddess Gudina or avoiding Jakel leaves precious little for anything else. - Manskliga scholar

  Rike with its rolling hills and rich forests was a feast for the eyes. The Manskliga had ruled most of Varlid before the invasion of the Mikachiari and the Elyun. When the Asistan Ti invaded and went to war with the Mikachiari, the Manskliga declared neutrality while working to profit as much as possible from the conflict. After the blood from all sides had washed away they proposed with the Assitan Ti and Elyun to maintain a jointly occupied city, Enade. Wild territories, Galen, would be used as a buffer between the nations with the added benefit of funneling off dissidents from each of their countries. There were always dissidents. Those unsatisfied or unsuited to the life they were born into could take their chances in the wild.